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Located in Archer Heights

Teeth Whitening

About the Service

Illuminate your smile with our professional teeth whitening services. Using advanced whitening agents and state-of-the-art techniques, we gently lift stains and discoloration, revealing a brighter, more youthful smile. Whether you prefer in-office treatments for immediate results or take-home kits for convenience, our expert team tailors the whitening process to suit your preferences and lifestyle. Say goodbye to dull, stained teeth and hello to a dazzling, confident smile that lights up the room. Trust us to brighten your smile and boost your confidence with our exceptional teeth whitening services.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening Chicago; woman after having teeth whitening

Archer Dental offers a safe and fast professional teeth whitening service that delivers dramatic results in just an hour. Simply choose a movie, relax in our chair, and let our dentist work their magic to brighten your smile.

Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

Our service is designed for individuals with sensitive teeth who cannot use home whitening trays. While some patients might experience temporary sensitivity during or after the procedure, most do not require painkillers. Our dentist can recommend toothpaste to strengthen your enamel and reduce sensitivity. If you're concerned about discomfort, consider taking gentle painkillers before your appointment.

How Long Do Whitening Results Last?

The durability of whitening results varies based on lifestyle habits like smoking or consuming stain-inducing foods and drinks like red wine. With careful management of these habits, your results can last between one to three years. For smokers, we recommend using home whitening trays to maintain your smile. Regular dental cleanings also help prolong the effects.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Teeth Whitening at the Dentist?

While individual results may vary, our teeth whitening service can lighten teeth by nine to twelve shades in a single session. The treatment is highly effective at removing stains from coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco, and other common culprits.

Why Choose Professional Whitening at Archer Dental?

  • Customized Treatment: We assess your current tooth shade and design a personalized plan.
  • Safety and Professional Supervision: Our trained dental team ensures the health of your teeth and gums, preventing complications.
  • Long-lasting Results: Professional treatments generally offer more durable results compared to at-home kits.
  • Comfortable Experience: We use gum protectors and high-quality whitening gels for a pain-free experience, completed in just one visit or through a supervised at-home system.
Frequently Asked Questions

Here's Some Common Questions We Get

How well does teeth whitening done by the dentist work?
Does teeth whitening cause any dental problems?
Does teeth whitening remove a thin layer from your teeth?
Does baking soda really help whiten teeth?

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Understanding Teeth Discoloration

Teeth whitening Chicago; representation of a tooth before and after whitening

Teeth discoloration can occur for a variety of reasons. Dietary habits are a common culprit; foods and beverages with strong pigments, such as coffee and red wine, have the potential to stain teeth. Similarly, tobacco products contain chemicals like tar and nicotine that can leave a dark residue on enamel. As people age, the enamel on their teeth naturally thins, revealing the darker dentin beneath. Physical trauma to the teeth can also prompt an increase in dentin production, which can darken the appearance of teeth. Additionally, certain medications, including some antihistamines, antipsychotics, and blood pressure drugs, are known to cause teeth discoloration. At Archer Dental, we offer professional teeth whitening services that are quick and effective at combating these common causes of tooth discoloration, enhancing both your appearance and confidence. Our treatments are tailored to suit each individual's needs, whether it’s for a special occasion or regular maintenance, ensuring a satisfying and positive experience.

Why Choose Professional Whitening at Archer Dental?

  • Customized Treatment: We assess your current tooth shade and design a personalized plan.
  • Safety and Professional Supervision: Our trained dental team ensures the health of your teeth and gums, preventing complications.
  • Long-lasting Results: Professional treatments generally offer more durable results compared to at-home kits.
  • Comfortable Experience: We use gum protectors and high-quality whitening gels for a pain-free experience, completed in just one visit or through a supervised at-home system.

Book Your Appointment Today

Don't wait to achieve the smile of your dreams. Schedule your appointment at Archer Dental, your trusted provider for professional teeth whitening and other dental services in Chicago.