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Located in Archer Heights

Cracked Teeth Treatments

About the Service

Having a cracked tooth can be an unpleasant and even painful experience. While there are several reasons why it can occur, such as physical injury, advanced tooth decay, or biting on something hard, it always requires immediate dental attention.

Cracked Tooth: How We Treat This Dental Problem in Our Clinic

Having a cracked tooth can be an unpleasant and even painful experience. While there are several reasons why it can occur, such as physical injury, advanced tooth decay, or biting on something hard, it always requires immediate dental attention.

A cracked tooth can affect not only the appearance of your smile but can also lead to a range of dental health issues. If ignored, the tooth can worsen, causing more pain and discomfort, eventually leading to infection or the loss of the tooth.

At our dental clinic, Archer Dental, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile, which is why we offer high-quality dental care services to help restore the health of your teeth and gums. If you experience a cracked tooth, do not hesitate to contact us immediately so that we can provide you with the necessary dental care. Our highly trained dentists are equipped with the technology and expertise needed to diagnose and treat complex dental difficulties, including tooth fractures.

Common Causes of a Cracked Tooth

There are many different causes for a cracked tooth, ranging from a fall to biting on something hard, dental conditions, and habits such as teeth grinding.

  • Trauma: Contact sports or accidents can result in dental fractures. Additionally, any fall or impact to the mouth can damage the teeth.
  • Bruxism: This term refers to the involuntary habit of grinding or clenching the teeth, especially during sleep. This can gradually wear down the teeth, increasing the risk of a cracked tooth.
  • Tooth Decay: If tooth decay is left untreated, it can progress and weaken the structure of the tooth, making it more susceptible to fracturing.
  • Periodontal Disease: Also known as gum disease, this can cause a loss of support in the teeth and make them more prone to cracking.
  • Dietary Habits: Chewing on hard foods can also increase the risk of a cracked tooth.

How to Prevent a Cracked Tooth

While it's necessary to address a cracked tooth effectively once it occurs, the best strategy is to prevent it. One approach to preventing a cracked tooth is to promote healthy dental care and everyday habits. This includes teaching our patients about the importance of regular brushing and flossing.

For those who engage in contact sports, we recommend the use of mouth guards or night guards. These devices can help absorb pressure and prevent a cracked tooth during potentially harmful situations.

In cases where a patient has previously experienced a cracked tooth, it is essential to treat these conditions properly. Our dental professionals may recommend restorative treatment options such as veneers or crowns to strengthen and protect damaged teeth.

Cracked Tooth Treatments at Archer Dental

A cracked tooth is one of the most common dental emergencies, as many people have experienced the sensation of biting down on something hard and feeling a tooth break in their mouth. While it can be a traumatic event, there are several available treatments that can restore the health and appearance of a broken tooth.

When it comes to a cracked tooth, treatments can vary depending on the severity of the injury and the location of the tooth in the mouth. It is important to seek immediate dental attention at Archer Dental to prevent complications and avoid worsening the injury.

In mild cases, where the tooth has not been severely damaged, treatment may involve a simple dental repair or restoration. This may involve the use of a dental composite or dental amalgam to restore the shape and function of the cracked tooth. In some cases, a dental crown may be required to protect and strengthen the broken tooth.

For more severe injuries, where the tooth has been significantly damaged, a dental extraction may be necessary. This is done to prevent infection and avoid worsening the injury. After the extraction, a dental implant or dental bridge may be required to replace the cracked tooth.

In some cases, when the nerve of the tooth has been exposed, a root canal treatment or endodontic treatment may be necessary. This involves the removal of damaged dental tissue and the application of a dental sealant to prevent infection and protect the tooth.

In situations where the tooth has been completely displaced or knocked out of place, immediate emergency dental care should be sought. In some cases, the tooth can be re-implanted if emergency dental care is sought within the first hour after the injury.

It is crucial to seek immediate dental attention if you experience a cracked tooth to avoid more serious problems in the future.

At our dental clinic, Archer Dental, we offer a range of treatment options for patients with a cracked tooth, including fillings, crowns, bridges, and extractions if necessary. Our team of highly trained and experienced dentists is committed to providing each patient with personalized, high-quality treatment to meet their unique needs.

If you have a cracked tooth, don’t wait to seek dental care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover how we can help restore your smile and dental health.

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