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Located in Archer Heights

Teeth Cleanings

About the Service

At Archer Dental in Archer Heights Chicago, we provide dental cleanings and examinations to adults and kids. Preventative care is key to keeping your teeth healthy throughout your life and it’s our job as dental professionals to help patients achieve their optimal oral health. The best way to keep your smile happy, healthy, and confident, is to get regular dental cleanings. These cleanings ensure that we get all the hard to reach areas of your mouth, preventing plaque build up, decay, and infection. If you live in the Chicago area, call (773)-581-1345 to schedule your exam and to learn how you can stay healthy year-round.

The Types of Dental Cleaning

Types of dental cleanings

Not all teeth cleanings are the same. There are 4 types of dental cleanings and each different type requires specific tools, lengths of time, and resources to make them happen.

Teeth cleaning for adults

A standard prophylaxis appointment usually lasts 45-60 minutes and is recommended every six months. This type of cleaning is best suited for patients who want to prevent gum disease, prevent tooth decay and dental caries, patients that generally have no or few dental problems.

Teeth cleaning for children

Pediatric dental cleanings are usually shorter, because children have fewer teeth and their teeth are generally smaller. Some children come to their cleaning appointments with the presence of heavy plaque, but tartar is less common in children.

Scaling and root planing (deep cleaning/SCRP)

Periodontal deep cleanings are nothing like a regular prophylaxis. During a deep cleaning dentists reaches beyond the edges of the gum lines to remove tartar that has accumulated along the root surfaces of teeth. Scaling and root planning helps to stop the progression of gum disease and bone loss. Most deep cleanings are performed in “quadrants” at a time.

Periodontal maintenance

After a patient had their deep cleaning, they will need to follow up with periodontal maintenance appointments every 3-4 month. Periodontal maintenance scaling is needed to maintain gum and bone health and prevent a relapse. This procedure includes removal of plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line, all the way down the length of each tooth to where the root, gum, and bone meet. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's Some Common Questions We Get

How often should I visit my dentist to get a Teeth Cleaning?
What is the difference between a regular Dental Cleaning and a Deep Cleaning?
Why should I get Dental Cleaning every 6 months?
What happens during a Teeth Cleaning?
What happens if I skip my Teeth Cleaning appointments?
Is a Deep Cleaning painful?

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What is a Regular Dental Cleaning?

Prophylaxis, which is also known as regular cleaning, is probably what you think of when considering going for a dental checkup. During a regular cleaning the dentist will remove plaque, calculus (hardened plaque) and stains from teeth.

This cleaning occurs only on the visible part of the tooth, meaning the dentist will not go underneath your gums to clean out any material, because for the typical, healthy patient is not necessary. In our office, we’ll pair your regular cleanings (recommended twice a year) with an oral exam by the dentist and updates on x-rays as needed. We will also check the health of your gums and surrounding tissues at these visits, which take about one hour.

​It’s important to understand that regular cleaning is only recommended for patients who have generally good dental health and do not suffer from bone loss or gum problems like gum bleeding, gum recession or gum infection.

Deep cleaning or scaling & root planning

Scaling & root planing (aka deep cleaning) is a procedure needed if you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease. This treatment is quite different from prophylaxis. Deep cleaning involves removal of tartar, bacteria, and toxic deposits from the root of a tooth.

Many people can have periodontal disease and not even know it. Symptoms of periodontal disease include:

  • bleeding gums
  • bad breath
  • receding gums
  • swollen/red gums

However, many people do not notice any symptoms at all. That’s why it may come as a surprise when your dentist recommends scaling & root planing instead of a regular cleaning. It’s important to understand that this procedure is vital to getting periodontal disease under control and avoid future tooth loss.

Dental cleanings and examinations for children

Our dental team works with patients of all ages and knows how to make our youngest patients feel comfortable while in the dental chair. Families all over Illinois visit our dental office to for their child to receive a proper teeth cleaning. We advise that teeth cleanings and exams begin from a very young age. It helps to ensure that baby teeth grow in properly and remain healthy, and the child will get used to building healthy oral hygiene habits. People often underestimate how important healthy baby teeth are. Cavities and gum disease can affect children, just like adults. The difference is that children are less capable of understanding or dealing with discomfort. We advise parents throughout Chicago to  bring their children for dental  exams and cleanings regularly,  twice a year. This way cavities can be prevented by removing harmful plaque and bacteria. And of course, less cavities equals less stress for the child. 

While performing the teeth cleaning, our team will be sure to practice gentle dentistry. Our staff knows how to build a connection with our young patients and make them feel more relaxed during their dental appointments. Many parents say that visiting the dentist at Archer Dental becomes fun instead of stressful.

Here is another tip for the parents: read some stories about going to the dentist and play games by teaching children how to examine their toy’s teeth.

These little steps guarantee to make your child feel comfortable when getting their own teeth cleaned. Doing so twice a year guarantees that the  baby teeth are more likely to stay in until they are supposed to fall out, and their adult teeth will also stay healthier. If you have questions about scheduling an appointment for your child call 773-581-1345.

What if I Have Sensitive Teeth?

At Archer Dental Chicago, we provide teeth cleanings for patients even with the most sensitive teeth with comfort. We practice gentle dentistry with all of our patients. Many adults tend to avoid visiting the dentist because they are concerned that their teeth will hurt during the exam and dental cleaning. Working with the right dentist will help you feel comfortable regardless of how sensitive your teeth are. If you’re experiencing intense anxiety or fear of the dentist, we highly recommend looking into laughing gas/Nitrous Oxide as an alternative option.

It’s important that adults living in Chicago understand the reason why they become sensitive. Often, enamel on the outside of the teeth wears down and causes sensitivity. Enamel can wear down due to age, acidic foods, and improper oral health care. Yes, brushing with desensitizing toothpaste can help,  but  visiting the dentist will help find the cause of your sensitivity and treat it as soon as possible. If the issues are not addressed the sensitivity will increase. Let us know about any discomfort you are feeling so that your dentist can discuss ways to alleviate it.