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Located in Archer Heights

Dental Implants

About the Service

At Archer Dental Chicago, our expert team provides dental implants with comfort and functionality at the forefront. Employing advanced technology like CBCT 3D X-Ray and the iTero scanner, we prepare for implant surgery to ensure optimal outcomes. Our commitment to quality means every procedure step meets the highest standards.

Dental Implants in Chicago

Understanding the impact missing teeth have on life quality, including reduced confidence and potential health risks, Archer Dental specializes in dental implants. These implants offer a solution to regain self-confidence, improve oral health, and enhance quality of life. Explore further to understand dental implants in Chicago, their necessity, costs, processes, and advantages over traditional dentures or bridges.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are like artificial tooth roots, typically made of titanium, that give a permanent foundation for replacement teeth. They're great for folks dealing with missing teeth or failing teeth that can not be restored. Unlike dentures or bridges, implants replace the root of the tooth, which helps keep your jawbone strong and your other teeth healthy. It's a two-part process: first, the implant fuses with your jawbone, then a custom-made crown is added on top to match your other teeth.

They're not just for looks; implants can make a real difference in how well you chew and talk. Plus, they're known for being super durable and comfy, and they seriously boost your quality of life.

Now, there are mainly two types of dental implants: Endosteal and Subperiosteal. Endosteal ones are the most common, they 6can be screwed into your jawbone to create a permanent missing tooth replacement. Subperiosteal ones sit on top of the jawbone under your gum tissue, perfect for folks with less jawbone or those who don't want extra surgery to build it up. At Archer Dental, we usually go for Endosteal implants due to their long term stability and durability.

A dental implant has three main parts: the implant itself (that titanium screw), the abutment (a connector on top of the implant), and the crown (the visible part that looks just like a real tooth). Together, they make a strong, long-lasting replacement that's easy to take care of and feels just like the real deal.

And here's a cool thing: implants can support bridges or dentures too. For example, the All-on-Four treatment uses four implants to hold permanent dentures in place. It's a precise process that needs a skilled implant specialist, so choosing the right dentist is key.

The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

Replacing missing teeth isn't just about your smile; it's essential for keeping your mouth and overall health in tip-top shape. When teeth are missing, it throws off the balance in your mouth, making other teeth shift and causing potential alignment issues. This can mess with your bite and the health of your jaw joint. Plus, without teeth to chew on, your jawbone can start to shrink, which can change how your face looks over time.

But it's not just about looks. Gaps in your smile can make it tough to eat and talk like you used to, which can affect your nutrition and how you interact with others. Replacing those missing teeth brings back your chewing power and lets you speak clearly again.

And let's talk about the emotional side of things. Missing teeth can really dent your confidence and make you hesitant to smile. But dental fixes like implants don't just improve your oral health; they give you back your confidence, so you can grin without a second thought.

What Happens if I Don’t Replace a Missing Tooth?

Skipping tooth replacement can result in several issues, like your remaining teeth moving around, possible alignment problems, and bite changes. This can make chewing and eating harder down the road. Plus, without a tooth root to keep it healthy, your jawbone might start to lose density, a process that is called bone resorption. If the density of the bone is not enough to support a dental implant, the patient will need to undergo bone graft first. That is why we encourage patients to see a specialist as soon as possible after losing a tooth.  We understand that not dealing with missing teeth can hit your self-esteem and confidence. You deserve a smile that boosts your pride and confidence!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's Some Common Questions We Get

What are Dental Implants?
Are Dental Implants safe?
How long do Dental Implants last?
Does the procedure hurt?
How much do Dental Implants cost?
Are Dental Implants covered by insurance?

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Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

The best candidates for dental implants are usually adults with mature jawbones, non smokers, in good health, with good oral health and missing teeth for various reasons. Having enough bone to support the implant is crucial, but certain factors like chronic illnesses, smoking, or heavy drinking might affect eligibility. Dr. Anton Zhadovich at Archer Dental is dedicated to assessing and preparing patients for implants, providing a permanent solution without the hassle of removable devices.

On the other hand, teens typically aren't the best fit for dental implants until their jawbones have fully matured. This is because the jawbone needs to be fully developed to properly support the implant. Dental professionals usually check jawbone growth through X-rays or other imaging before considering implants. Waiting until this growth is complete ensures the implant's stability and long-term success.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants in Chicago

Dental implants can seem pricey due to their complexity, but at Archer Dental, we're committed to making top-notch dental care affordable for everyone. We've got special deals for those without insurance or implant coverage. To learn more about the considerations that go into the cost of dental implants, you can check out our article all about the Costs of Dental Implants. Ready to chat about costs and what works best for you? Schedule a consultation with us today!

How do I Care for my Dental Implants?

Taking care of a dental implant is pretty straightforward and similar to caring for your natural teeth. Here are some key points to keep in mind if you’re considering getting dental implants:

  • Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day to remove plaque and food particles from around the implant. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scratching the implant or irritating the gums.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleanings to ensure the implant and surrounding teeth stay healthy. Your dentist will also check the implant's stability and integrity during these visits.
  • Avoid Hard Foods and Habits: Be cautious when eating hard or sticky foods that could damage the implant or put excessive pressure on it. Avoid chewing on ice, hard candies, or other hard objects. Also, refrain from habits like nail-biting or using your teeth to open packages, as these can also damage the implant.
  • Avoid Smoking: If you smoke, consider quitting, as smoking can negatively impact the success of dental implants by slowing down the healing process and increasing the risk of complications.
  • Protective Mouthguard: If you engage in contact sports or activities where there's a risk of impact to the mouth, wear a mouthguard to protect your implant and natural teeth from injury.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support overall oral health and healing.
  • Follow Dentist's Instructions: Your dentist may provide specific instructions for caring for your implant based on your individual needs and the type of implant procedure you underwent. Follow these instructions carefully! Dr. Anton is an expert in this field and wants to ensure optimal healing and long-term success not just your implant, but your smile and you as well!

Improving Your Smile with Dental Implants

Whether replacing a single tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants offer a durable, natural-looking solution. From single-tooth implants to implant-supported dentures, the options are versatile. Dr. Zhadovich, a member of the International Dental Implants Association, continually advances his expertise to provide top-tier implant dentistry services.

Ready to explore dental implant solutions in Chicago? Contact Archer Dental to begin your journey to a restored smile and improved oral health.